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Week Four Individual Discussion Questions

Week Four Individual Discussion Questions

Q Reply to the following instructor's general discussion question(s) according to the discussion board guidelines. Chapter 4 is replete with examples of how to prepare a multiple-step income statement. The issue is where and how to report the different categories of income or loss such as unusual/infrequent gains or losses, discontinued operations, earnings per share, etc. Of course, this applies to mostly publicly-traded corporations. Discuss two or three new concepts learned from the chapter.

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There are many assumptions and estimations made in the accounting, and income is reported according to these assumptions. Therefore, exercising caution is required because various assumptions are followed in the accounting process, and outcomes such as net income represent those considerations. If the assumptions are not well founded, distortions will appear in the income reported. Furthermore, the objectives of GAAP in relation to the income statement are to ensure that transactions belonging to a specific period should be reported in the same period,